In 2020 I commenced legal proceedings against Chief Government Whip Don Brown MP, alleging I had been defamed by Mr Brown.
In November 2023, I was successful in my case against him.
Seven News coverage of win in the Supreme Court.
Nine News coverage of win in the Supreme Court.
ABC News Article READ
IN QLD News Article READ
Redland News READ
Personal Statement issued on the day judgement was entered against Mr Brown.
I commenced legal proceedings against Don Brown MP for Capalaba as a private citizen and small business owner. These proceedings were not paid for, encouraged by, supported or promoted by the LNP.
The comments Mr Brown made about me were not mere “political argy-bargy”. They constituted a deliberate assassination of my character in advance of the 2020 State Election.
In a co-ordinated attack, the defendant Mr Brown simultaneously
a) published the offending material to his Don Brown MP Facebook page with 7000 followers,
​b) wrote to members of the Capalaba Electorate on his Parliamentary Letterhead and
​c) released the material via press release to the local newspaper, who went on to publish the material in spite of my advising in advance of publication that the comments were defamatory. The news article was published online, distributed in hard copy to over 40 000 homes and Mr Brown subsequently posted a link to the news article on his Don Brown MP Facebook page.
Over the past three years since the matter was filed with the Supreme Court, Mr Brown has used his extensive public platform to continue his attacks upon my character while proclaiming his righteousness and innocence in this matter.
He has spoken about this case in Parliament under Parliamentary Privilege, he has spoken via the Press, on television, and he has published material on his Don Brown MP Facebook page.
This ongoing commentary formed the basis for the aggravated damages material which was to be relied upon in Court, should trial have proceeded.
Today, after 3 years and close to $300 000 in legal fees, Mr Browns callous defamation has been exposed to the public in open court.
An apology from Mr Brown formed a part of the agreement, and such apology will be published by Mr Brown on his Don Brown MP Facebook page.
I look forward to my reputation being restored through the publication of Mr Brown’s apology.
The Apology