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The ATO have an option where you can contact their Info Line and manually complete this process over the phone. 


Please follow these steps:


1.  Phone the “ABR/myGovID/RAM” Infoline on 1300 287 539.


2.  Stay on the line until you hear three options and select #3.  There may be a long wait time and if so, they should offer a call back service to save      you waiting on hold.


3.  Once you proceed to an operator, advise them that you require assistance in linking your ABNs as part of the RAM process.


4.  They will require identity checks for yourself and each of your ABN’s.  


5.  This line is available  from 8:00AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday

Authorised by Bev Walters, 219 Sunnydene Road, Chandler  Qld  4157.

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