This is kind of a rant, as too many people are complaining that their abilities are "under capable". First of all: Range&mage are RS gold single abilities. they are each independant. Melee has 2/3 abilities attack and defense as well as the ability to strengthen. Second: Range and magic don't combat as often, therefore "weaker” players may possess very high levels of combat, so they are slightly less powerful.
Third: A ranger or mage that is more powerful would make your combat levels higher. It is possible to increase your level a lot with melee because it's already very powerful.
Forth: Maximum hit with range is 100/200 (please justify) and mage may produce amazing effects (freezing stat lowering and even the ability to venge!) These are only available to Melee who can pay! At the moment, this is all. Please take note of buy RuneScape gold what I'm trying to communicate. I'm all for expanding the range of products : (armadyl second wep, anyone? Thanks for reading, Please submit any comments or questions. And sorry for any gramaitcal or spelling errors.