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The LNP is  Committed to Capalaba ....
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in my Survey of the Capalaba Electorate in 2020.  I read each and every one that was sent in. 
​​​​​It was your input which helped me form my "fighting for" and commitment list.  😀   

If elected, it is my intention to make this survey an annual event so you can continue to be heard. 

An Annual Residents Survey 


Let's work together for what we want for Capalaba.

Leslie Harrison Dam Feasibility Study

If elected, the LNP will conduct a Feasibility Study for remediation of the Leslie Harrison Dam to bring it up to the standard of an international rowing venue, and to allow use of the facility for non-motorised recreational activity and fishing.
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​Let's maximise use of an existing asset and draw recreational dollars into our electorate.

Get the Eastern Busway designed, shovel-ready & improve options for the Capalaba CBD redevelopment.

If elected, an LNP State Government will invest $5 million to deliver the detailed business case to extend the Eastern Busway from Coorparoo to Capalaba.  ​
A detailed business case for the Busway is needed to secure federal funding through the independent Infrastructure Australia assessment model. 
A detailed Busway design also means the Capalaba CBD redevelopment can be designed around the planned Busway Terminus, rather than being designed around the existing bus interchange on Redland Bay Road.  With a design for the Busway in place, it will mean a more integrated, all-weather transport hub in the CBD redevelopment, and less traffic on Redland Bay Road.​   
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Let's bust Capalaba traffic congestion and improve the Capalaba CBD redevelopment.

Capalaba to the Bay - a Lifestyle Project for Residents 

If elected, the LNP has committed to funding a design for the creation of a 4-station kayak route with a dual lane bikeway and dual lane walkway along Tingalpa Creek, stretching from John Fredericks Park to Moreton Bay.  Ideas for this project include picnic areas,  BBQs, kayak launch points, fishing pontoons and the rehabilitation of the koala corridor along the eastern bank of Tingalpa Creek.
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​Let's protect and enjoy our environment, and make living in Capalaba a preferred 
lifestyle choice.

$62 million to Upgrade Redlands Hospital

The LNP have announced a $62 million upgrade to Redlands Hospital.

A Federal and State LNP Government will WORK TOGETHER to deliver long-overdue upgrades to Redlands Hospital.
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Let's make sure quality hospital care can be accessed locally.


Mural replacement

If elected, an LNP Government will provide up to $50 000 to replace the aging "baby faces" wall mural at the entry to Capalaba.
The time has come to say goodbye to ALL of Capalaba's big babies.  

winking girl emoji.png

Cool in the School Pool

If elected, the LNP will work with Capalaba State College to trial pool access for the public when the facility is not being used by the school.
Let's all keep our cool, and enjoy a pool.


Busting congestion with free senior and student travel

Seniors in the Capalaba electorate will be entitled to free off-peak travel on local trains if the LNP wins the next state election on October 31.  As part of the LNP plan, students starting full-time university and TAE courses will be able to apply for $500 vouchers to pay for bus or train fares.
Let's reduce congestion and lower the cost of living for seniors and students.

Authorised by Bev Walters, 219 Sunnydene Road, Chandler  Qld  4157.

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