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Tingalpa Creek Lifestyle Project Feasibility Study
In elected, the LNP will conduct a plan and costing for the creation of a 4-station kayak route with a dual lane bikeway and dual lane walkway along Tingalpa Creek, stretching from John Fredericks Park to Moreton Bay. Ideas for this project include picnic areas, BBQs, kayak launch points and fishing pontoons. The project would include the rehabilitation of the Eastern side of Tingalpa creek koala corridor.
​Let's protect and enjoy our environment, and make living in Capalaba a preferred
lifestyle choice.
Revise South East Koala Strategy Koala Mapping
If elected, an LNP State Government will revise the bungled Koala Mapping, paying attention to corridors as well as habitats in order to genuinely improve protection for koalas in the Redlands.
Unfortunately, the Draft South East Koala Conservation Strategy Maps (Dec 2019) were hopelessly bungled by the Labor State Government. (Read here, here, and here.)
The final South East Koala Strategy Mapping (which was subsequently released on 29 Aug 2020) showed the Capalaba Industrial Estate as being Koala Priority Area. In spite of North Stradbroke Island having one of the healthiest koala populations in Australia, Straddie is NOT a Koala Priority Area. This mapping needs to be redone,
Let's get serious about protecting the wildlife which makes the Redlands special.
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