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COVID-19 Resources to assist Business

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If you bookmark this link, you’ll be able to check back regularly as this page will be updated as information changes.






Apple Appstore Coronavirus Australia on the App Store

Google Play      Coronavirus Australia




Join the Whatsapp channel.


If you don’t already have Whatsapp installed, these are the links to install it on your device.


Apple       WhatsApp Messenger on the App Store

Android    WhatsApp Messenger


Once you have Whatsapp installed, click on this link on your phone.  It sends a link to invite you to join the channel.





Federal Government COVID-19 website for business.


Coronavirus information and support for business





Employers may have previously REGISTERED their interest in JobKeeper on the ATO website.


However from 20 April, employers will need to actually ENROL for JobKEEPER payments. 

If you wish to claim JobKEEPER payments for the first two fortnights, enrolment needs to be completed by 31 May.


The first JobKEEPER fortnight is 30 March to 12 April

The second JobKEEPER fortnight is 13 April to 26 April


To do this, you can either call your registered tax agent and have them do it, OR

you can do it yourself.  


To do it yourself, you will need to use the ATO Business Portal.


1.  Download the MYGOVID app and set it up.  Note:  MYGOVID is new, and different to MYGOV (which you may already hold for personal use).  MYGOVID is essentially a 100 point check, but done on a smart-device.


App Store       

Google Play


2.  Once you have a MYGOVID, you log into RAM (Relationship Authorisation Manager) in order to link your MYGOV ID to your business ABN.


Note:  If you have trouble linking your MYGOVID to your RAM, click HERE


Once you have MYGOVID linked to RAM you'll be able to access Government services and norminate your JobKEEPER employees online via the ATO Business Portal.


Once you're inside the ATO Business Portal, go to "Manage Employees" and then select "JobKeeper Enrol".


Then from 4 May, employers need to advise which employees they will be registering on JobKEEPER. 

This is done the same way as for the first two fortnights (as above).



For more information on JobKEEPER, use this link:



In order to receive a JobKEEPER payment, both the employer and employee must meet eligibility criteria, which can be found using this link.


JobKeeper Payment for employers and employees



Commercial Rent Relief




Watch Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming MP on Facebook Live on Mon, Wed and Friday nights at 7 pm.  Tune in for the day’s announcements and information, and ask questions live.




Phone Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming MP.  Office contact: 3821 0155.


Phone Federal Government Support Line for Business - 13 28 46



Working from home?  The ATO has announced a short cut method for claiming home office running costs.    More info




State Government COVID-19 website for business.

Business Queensland


Updated State Government policies and alerts.


WARNING: Queensland police officers are now able to issue on the spot fines of $6672 for businesses that fail to abide by state health directions.




Queensland Government Support Line for Business - 1300 654 687 






Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Redland City Council Phone:  3829 8999 Email:




Beyond Blue




Lifeline by Text is available from 6 pm to midnight, 7 days a week.  Text 0477 131114




90% of the population is confused with the volume of information and how rapidly the situation is changing and evolving.  Another 9% are too confused to realise they’re confused. The remaining 1% have the best information available to them globally, and are steering us through this.








Armchair Experts


Social Media




Reaching out to fellow business owners for a chat.


Exercise to clear your head.  


Look for what you CAN do for your business in your downtime.  Build the website you know you need? Get through all those second-tier importance jobs you always put off?  Get rid of the files from 1996 that are still lurking around somewhere?


Phone your customers.  Not text, not email. Old-fashioned, pick-up-the-phone how-are-you-managing, no-reason-for-this-call human connection phone call.


Spend time with your family, spend time with your kids, spend time with your pets.


Plan your next holiday for when all this is over.


Use a meditation app to quieten that over-active business brain. has one of the least annoying voices, offers a free and a paid version, and can be very helpful for getting insomniacs off to sleep.


Spend time on that hobby your business never allows you the time for.




Nothing is normal right now.  That surreal feeling that this isn’t actually real?  Anxiety? Confusion? Stress? Anger? Tears? Insomnia?  Quick irritation flashpoint?


All of these are normal right now.  Normal, but not permanent.


We will all look a little different on the other side, but we WILL get through this.




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